• menopausal symptoms

    The Effects of Yoga and Exercise on Menopausal Quality of Life

    Many women transitioning into the menopause request medical advice on ways to improve their quality of life and to relieve the symptoms associated with the menopausal transition. With concerns regarding the long-term use of estrogen replacement therapy, there has been interest in the use of non-hormonal strategies to manage these symptoms.

    Progesterone for Hot Flashes

    Following the publication of the Women's Health Initiative report in 2002, there was a dramatic drop in the use of hormone-replacement therapy (HRT) due to concerns about increased risk of heart disease, breast cancer, and stroke.  Since that time, various non-hormonal alternatives have been utilized for the treatment of menopausal symptoms, including gabapentin and various serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

    Soy Supplements for Menopausal Symptoms: Higher Doses and More Frequent Dosing May Help

    Studies assessing the effectiveness of complementary and alternative medicines (CAM) for the treatment of menopause-related hot flashes have yielded conflicting results.  Most studies have demonstrated that treatments such as soy and black cohosh are not likely to be effective in most women; however, a new study suggests that women who take higher doses (100 to 200 mg)of isoflavones and more frequent dosing (2-3 times per day) may experience a greater reduction in the frequency of hot flashes.

    Extended Release Gabapentin (Neurontin) for Hot Flashes

    Several studies have shown that gabapentin (Neurontin) at 600-2400 mg/day in divided doses is effective for treating hot flashes in menopausal women.  Research presented at the annual meeting of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) indicates that an investigational extended release (ER) formulation of gabapentin (Serada, Depomed) is effective for the treatment of hot flashes and sleep disturbance.

    Low Dose Paroxetine for the Treatment of Hot Flashes

    For decades, estrogen has been used to treat menopausal symptoms, including night sweats and hot flashes.  However, after studies reported that estrogen increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and breast cancer, many patients and clinicians have looked into alternative treatments for hot flashes, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

    By |2015-08-12T10:51:17-04:00October 16th, 2012|Menopausal Symptoms|1 Comment

    Weight Loss and a Low-Fat Diet Help to Reduce Hot Flashes in Menopausal Women

    Various studies have shown that women with a higher body mass index (BMI) or a higher percent of body fat have more frequent or more severe menopausal symptoms.  In a recent study, researchers evaluated the impact of a low-fat diet on vasomotor symptoms in a group of 17,473 postmenopausal women between the ages of 50 and 79.

    New Research from the CWMH: History of Depression and Anxiety Predict Lower Quality of Life in Midlife Women

    The National Comorbidity Survey estimates that by the time women reach midlife, approximately 23% have experienced at least one episode of major depression and 30% have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.  Depression and anxiety disorders are each associated with impaired functioning and lower quality of life (QOL).  There is also some data to suggest that, even after a depressive episode resolves, those with a history of a affective illness have a lower quality of life than those without histories of depression, with impairment in social and interpersonal functioning.

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