• stillbirth

    Women with Recurrent Pregnancy Loss at Risk for Depression and Anxiety

    In a recent cross-sectional study from Denmark, researchers compared the prevalence of stress and depressive symptoms among 301 women with recurrent pregnancy loss (or RPL) and 1813 women attempting to conceive naturally. RPL was defined [...]

    Pregnancy and Marijuana: How Much Do We Really Know?

    With many states now considering the legalization of medical marijuana, there seems to be a growing sense that marijuana is relatively safe and may, in some cases, be more attractive or effective than traditional pharmacologic interventions.  We have witnessed this shift in attitude in our clinic, where many of our clinicians have been surprised to hear women ask questions about the dangers of using antidepressants and other medications during pregnancy while at the same time feeling relatively comfortable with their use of marijuana in the same setting.

    Pregnancy Loss Increases the Risk of Postpartum Psychiatric Illness

    Pregnancy loss may cause great psychological stress for women. How such a loss, whether or not the woman identifies it as a stressor, affects her emotional well-being after the birth of a future child is unknown.  In order to better understand the relationship between pregnancy loss and risk for postpartum psychiatric illness, researchers assessed 192 women at their first-year pediatric well-child care visits in an urban pediatric clinic.  In this group of low income mothers, 49% of the women reported a previous pregnancy loss (miscarriage, stillbirth, or induced abortion).

    No Increase in Risk of Infant Mortality in Women Taking SSRIs During Pregnancy

    While there has been a great deal of attention paid to the risks of exposure to antidepressants, particularly the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), during pregnancy, there has been comparatively little information on the risk of stillbirth and infant mortality in this population.  In a recent population-based cohort study utilizing data from all Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden), researchers assessed the risk of stillbirth and infant mortality associated with the use of SSRIs during pregnancy.

    Psychological Stress During Pregnancy and Risk for Stillbirth

    Previous studies have suggested that prenatal stress may be associated with a spectrum of adverse pregnancy outcomes, including preterm birth and low birth weight (reviewed in Hobel et al, 2008). A recent study from Danish researchers has investigated the impact of psychological stress on risk for stillbirth.

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