• smoking cessation

    Postpartum Depressive Symptoms Increase the Risk of Smoking Relapse

    While many women who smoke successfully quit smoking during pregnancy, most of these women return to smoking within 12 months of delivery.  Several studies have suggested that certain factors may increase the risk of postpartum relapse, including unwanted pregnancy, multiparity, and stressful life events.  Two recent studies indicate that postpartum depressive symptoms may also increase the risk of smoking relapse after delivery.

    Smoking While Breastfeeding: What Are the Risks?

    Approximately 25% of American women of reproductive age smoke tobacco, and many continue to smoke during and after pregnancy despite the known potential harm to their own health and to their child’s health. These health threats remain after the child’s birth as the baby is exposed to nicotine and other toxins in both ambient air and breast milk.

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