• hot flushes

    Hot Flashes or Depression: Which Comes First?

    Hot flashes and depression are both common symptoms of the menopause transition.  Several studies have found a relationship between depression and hot flashes: depressed women are more likely to experience hot flashes and women with hot flashes are more likely to have depression.  Other studies have found no association between hot flashes and depression. 

    By |2015-08-12T15:09:09-04:00September 14th, 2009|Menopausal Symptoms|0 Comments

    Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicines for Menopausal Hot Flashes

    Approximately seventy percent of all women experience hot flashes and/or night sweats (also called vasomotor symptoms) during the menopause transition (Stearns et al. 2002).  Until recently, estrogen therapy was the treatment of choice for most women who sought treatment for hot flashes.  Since the results of the Women's Health Initiative in 2002 noted risks of prolonged use of hormone therapy in older postmenopausal women (Roussouw et al. 2002), many women pursue other treatments for their hot flashes, including over-the-counter complementary and alternative medicines (CAMs), including soy isoflavones, black cohosh, and omega-3 fatty acids.  However, there is limited evidence to support the use of these treatments for hot flashes to date.

    Acupuncture for Hot Flushes in Women with Breast Cancer

    Many women report vasomotor symptoms, including hot flushes and night sweats, during the menopausal transition. While estrogen is clearly one of the most effective treatments for vasomotor symptoms, recent concerns regarding the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have made treaters much more reluctant to recommend HRT, even for short-term management of vasomotor symptoms.

    By |2015-08-11T15:17:58-04:00September 30th, 2008|Menopausal Symptoms|0 Comments

    Citalopram (Celexa) Effective for Treating Hot Flashes

    For decades, estrogen has been used to treat menopausal symptoms, including night sweats and hot flushes.  However, after studies reported that estrogen may have an adverse effect on risk for cardiovascular disease and breast cancer, many patients and clinicians have looked into alternative treatments for hot flashes, including selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

    Acupuncture for the Treatment of Menopausal Hot Flashes

    Many women report vasomotor symptoms, including hot flushes and night sweats, during the menopausal transition. While estrogen is clearly one of the most effective treatments for vasomotor symptoms, recent concerns regarding the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have made treaters much more reluctant to recommend HRT, even for short-term management of vasomotor symptoms. A recent study has demonstrated that acupuncture may be an effective non-hormonal treatment for vasomotor symptoms.

    Paroxetine CR May Be Helpful for Menopausal Women Discontinuing Hormone Therapy

    Estrogen was first approved by the FDA for the treatment of menopausal symptoms in 1942, and for many decades estrogen replacement therapy had been widely prescribed for peri- and post-menopausal women. In 2002, however, data from the Women’s Health Initiative (WHI) suggested that hormonal therapy may be associated with an increased risk of breast cancer and cardiovascular disease. These findings have led to a dramatic decrease in the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT), with many women abruptly discontinuing its use.

    By |2015-07-28T10:53:58-04:00November 12th, 2007|Menopausal Symptoms|1 Comment

    Venlafaxine (Effexor) for Postmenopausal Hot Flushes

    During the menopausal transition, up to 85% of women experience vasomotor symptoms of hot flushes and night sweats. For many women, hot flushes may be severe; they can interfere with work and other daily activities and affect sleep quality. Hot flushes may be associated with fatigue, poor concentration, and depression. Given the recent data from the Women's Health Initiative regarding the risks associated with long-term use of estrogen, many peri- and post-menopausal women are understandably reluctant to take menopausal hormone therapy for the treatment of hot flushes, despite its proven efficacy. Given these concerns, there is a clear need for alternative non-hormonal therapies for the treatment of hot flushes and other menopause-related symptoms.

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