• fertility

    Paroxetine (Paxil) May Affect Sperm Quality

    Within the field of psychiatry, there is a growing body of literature studying the use of antidepressants in women in the context of pregnancy and the postpartum period.  However, much less attention has focused on the impact of these drugs on fertility, particularly in men.  Because major depressive disorders affect about one in 10 American men over their lifetimes, it is essential to study the effects of antidepressants on male fertility.

    Depression is Common Following Successful IVF

    Psychological symptoms play a significant role in infertility. Some studies have examined the impact of psychological symptoms (e.g., anxiety, depression) on fertility status. Most of this research has focused on women with unsuccessful IVF treatment. Some have investigated the extent to which a woman's psychological state during assisted reproductive therapy (ART, which includes in vitro fertilization (IVF)) interferes with the success of the treatment.  ART itself has been shown in other studies to negatively impact a patient's psychological well-being, with prolonged treatment associated with increased depression and anxiety.

    Fertility and Antipsychotic Medications

    Infertility is a problem which has gained increased attention over the past several decades. While many factors may contribute to infertility, some medications may also affect reproductive functioning and thus may have an impact on fertility. This post will focus on the antipsychotic drugs, which are now used to treat many psychiatric disorders other than schizophrenia, including insomnia, anxiety disorders, major depression and bipolar disorder.

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