• Monthly Archives: June 2011

    Generalized Anxiety in Pregnancy

    Few studies have focused on anxiety disorders in the perinatal period. While various studies have measured levels of anxiety or distress during pregnancy, most studies have relied upon self-report questionnaires to assess for anxiety.  In contrast, few studies have used standardized diagnostic criteria to determine the prevalence of anxiety disorders in pregnant populations.   In a recent study, Buist and colleagues studied the prevalence and course of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in a prospectively ascertained population of pregnant women.

    Clinical Case: Should SSRIs Be Tapered Prior To Delivery?

    Ms. T is a 33 year old woman with a history of recurrent depression who is 32 weeks    pregnant with her first pregnancy.  She has remained on her citalopram (Celexa) throughout pregnancy and has been well.  Her gynecologist has encouraged her to enquire about coming off the Celexa prior to delivery in order to avoid symptoms of neonatal distress.  What should she do?

    Postpartum Depression and Poor Sleep Quality Occur Together

    In a new mother, sleep is disrupted by repeated awakenings of the infant, but hormonal factors also seem to play a role.  Immediately after childbirth, levels of the reproductive hormones, estrogen and progesterone, drop precipitously.  It is believed that, because these hormones modulate neurotransmitter systems in the brain responsible for sleep quality, this dramatic hormonal shift may cause significant disruptions in sleep.

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