• Monthly Archives: October 2010

    SSRI Use Associated with Reduced Intention to Breastfeed

    Given the potential health benefits of breastfeeding on both mother and baby, the U.S. Public Health Service for Healthy People 2010 set a goal to have 75% of mothers breastfeed in the early postpartum period and 50% of mothers to continue breastfeeding to 6 months by the year 2010 (US Dept of Health and Human Services 2000).  Groups of women who are less likely to breastfeed have been targeted in this effort.

    Insomnia Across the Female Life Cycle

    In the July 2010 issue of Current Psychiatry, you will find a thorough review on the evaluation and treatment of insomnia in women across the life cycle.  The bottom line is that many women experience insomnia during times of hormonal transition.  The authors provide some useful guidelines for evaluating women who present with sleep problems (taken from Table 2):

    Risk of Depression is High in the Parents of Young Children

    The New York Times published an interesting article on the high risk of depression among new parents.  While we are now more aware of depression in mothers after delivery and making greater efforts to screen for postpartum depression, the article points out that both parents are at risk for depression and that the risk extends well beyond the immediate postpartum period.

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