• fetal exposure to SSRIs

    Largest Study Ever Shows No Increase in Risk of Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Kids Exposed to Antidepressants In Utero

    Analyzing data from nearly 150,000 children with prenatal antidepressant exposure in two healthcare databases, a recent study finds no association between prenatal exposure to antidepressants and risk for neurodevelopmental disorders.

    Maternal Depression, But Not Exposure to SSRIs, Associated with Worse Executive Functioning in Children  

    While we have considerable data on the use of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) during pregnancy, most of this research focuses on the risk of congenital malformations in exposed children.  We have far less [...]

    Exposure to Antidepressants During Pregnancy and Risk of ADHD in the Offspring

    Antenatal exposure to Wellbutrin (bupropion) does not appear to be associated with an increased risk of malformations in the exposed infant; however,  it is not known if exposure to Wellbutrin during pregnancy has any effect on the child’s neurobehavioral development. In a study from Figueroa and colleagues published in 2010, insurance claims data from 38,704 children and their families were analyzed, using information obtained from the beginning of pregnancy until age 5.  Outcomes were assessed in mothers taking selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or Wellbutrin before, during or after the pregnancy.  This study sought to determine the risk of ADHD in exposed infants.  Children up to the age of 5 were identified as having ADHD if they had an outpatient or inpatient claim with a primary or secondary diagnosis of ADHD or a prescription claim for stimulants.

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