• antiepileptic drug

    Lithium and Anticonvulsant Mood Stabilizers: No Higher Risk for Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes

    For women with bipolar disorder, choosing whether to maintain or discontinue treatment with a mood stabilizer during pregnancy is challenging.  This is a process which requires careful and thoughtful consideration, weighing the risk of adverse [...]

    You Asked: What Dose of Folic Acid for Pregnant Women Taking Lamotrigine (Lamictal)?

    In our community of perinatal psychiatrists, we have recently seen many questions regarding the use of folic acid supplementation in women taking lamotrigine (Lamictal).  While all recognize that all women of childbearing age should receive [...]

    Cognitive Development in Children Exposed to Levetiracetam (Keppra)

    An increasing number of reproductive age women now take newer anticonvulsants for the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders; however, information regarding the reproductive safety of these medications is limited.  A recent study has evaluated the cognitive and language development of children born to women with epilepsy exposed in utero to levetiracetam (LEV, Keppra) or sodium valproate (VPA, Depakote), as compared to control children born to women without epilepsy not taking medication during pregnancy.

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