• weight gain

    Clinical Update 2020: Antipsychotic Medications and Risk of Gestational Diabetes

    Given the number of younger women using atypical antipsychotic medications, there is an urgent need for more accurate data regarding the reproductive safety of these medications. One important question is whether these newer antipsychotic [...]

    New Research from the CWMH: Gestational Weight Gain in Women Taking Second Generation Antipsychotics During Pregnancy

    The use of the newer “atypical” or second-generation antipsychotic (SGA) agents continues to increase.  These medications are used to treat a spectrum of psychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, major depression, PTSD and anxiety disorders. [...]

    Eating Disorders and Their Impact on Pregnancy Outcomes

    Eating disorders are relatively common among women of reproductive age, yet the literature on the effects of maternal eating disorders (ED) on pregnancy outcomes is relatively sparse.  There has been concern that eating disorders may negatively affect gestational weight gain.  Previous studies have demonstrated an association between maternal anorexia nervosa (AN) (both active and past) and lower infant birthweight (as compared to women with no history of ED); however, calculations of the magnitude of this effect have been inconsistent. 

    Pregnancy Outcomes in Women with Eating Disorders

    Most studies have shown that women experience an improvement or remission in eating disorders during pregnancy; however, studies assessing how eating disorders may affect pregnancy outcomes have yielded conflicting results. While some studies have demonstrated no negative effects, others have demonstrated higher miscarriage rates among women with bulimia nervosa.  In addition, women with histories of eating disorders have been shown to be significantly more likely to experience preterm delivery and to give birth to babies small for gestational age.

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