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    Can Social Media Decrease Risk for Depression During Pregnancy?

    In both pregnant and postpartum women, social isolation contributes to risk for and exacerbation of depressive symptoms.  Many women in this setting turn to the internet and social media as a means of securing support and information. Previous studies, mostly carried out in adolescents and young adults, have shown that social media use is associated with greater risk for depression, anxiety, and self-harm.  There is some evidence, however, that women [...]

    February 5th, 2020|

    Online CBT for Insomnia in Pregnancy: Accessible and Effective

    Sleep disruption is a common complaint during pregnancy, with 15% to 80% of women reporting sleep problems during the first trimester and 66% to 97% of women in the third trimester.  There are data to support the safety of certain sleep-promoting medications during pregnancy, including benzodiazepines and sedative-hypnotic agents (Z-drugs); however, many women would prefer to avoid the use of medications during pregnancy, if possible.   Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT-I) specifically designed [...]

    February 4th, 2020|

    In Brief: Several Programs from NPR Focus on Perinatal Depression

    It is great to see so many well-written and researched reports on perinatal depression in the news these days.  Here are a few great stories from NPR published over the last couple of months.  One of the best things about these articles is that they center on women's experiences of their illness.  There is so much stigma surrounding mental illness, and hearing about other women's personal experiences can be so [...]

    February 3rd, 2020|

    Weekly Roundup for JANUARY 31, 2020: Recent Publications in Women’s Mental Health

    Weekly Roundup for JANUARY 31, 2020: Recent Publications in Women’s Mental Health Every week we review the most recent publications in women’s mental health, covering topics related to premenstrual symptoms, perinatal mood and anxiety disorders, use of medications in pregnant and breastfeeding women, perinatal substance use, and menopausal mental health.  There are quite a few articles this week looking at the effects of CBT for the treatment of depression and anxiety [...]

    February 2nd, 2020|

    Preliminary Data Raises Concerns About Modafinil Use in Pregnancy

    Modafinil (brand name Provigil) is a wake-promoting agent which is used to treat sleepiness due to narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder, or obstructive sleep apnea.  It is also used to in others settings, often in combination with other medications, to treat ADHD symptoms, depressive symptoms, and cognitive dysfunction.   A research letter from Denmark published this week in JAMA Psychiatry raises concerns regarding the use of modafinil during pregnancy.   Using Danish [...]

    January 31st, 2020|

    Marijuana Use in Men Associated with Increased Risk of Miscarriage

    In women of reproductive age, cannabis is the most commonly used recreational drug, and there the use of cannabis during pregnancy is on the rise.    While recent studies  a North American cohort study of couples attempting to conceive. At the baseline interview occurring prior to conception, men and women provided information on demographic variables, medical history, and lifestyle factors, including marijuana use frequency.  For up to 12-months or until [...]

    January 30th, 2020|
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