• Klonopin

    New Research from the CWMH: Obstetrical and Neonatal Outcomes with Benzodiazepine Exposure During Pregnancy

    Recent studies have demonstrated that more than 10% of women experience clinically significant symptoms of anxiety during pregnancy, particularly during the first trimester.  Anxiety during pregnancy is not necessarily a benign event.  Various studies indicate [...]

    New Data on Anxiety Medications and Pregnancy

    Benzodiazepines and non-benzodiazepine hypnotics are commonly used during pregnancy. However, there data regarding the reproductive safety of these agents has been somewhat mixed. Although initial reports suggested that there may be an increased risk of cleft lip and palate, more recent reports have shown no association between exposure to benzodiazepines and risk for cleft lip or palate. A new study shows no increase in the overall risk of malformations among children exposed to benzodiazepines.

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